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What is the best tier list in Overwatch?

Why are certain heroes at a higher tier than others?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the best tier list for Overwatch will vary depending on individual player preferences and level of expertise. However, some factors that may contribute to a character’s ranking on a given tier list could include their overall popularity, how versatile they are in terms of playing various roles, and how much impact they have had on the game’s meta.

His ability to quickly capture points and turn them into strongholds makes him an essential part of any team’s strategy, and his powerful ultimate ability, Primal Rage, allows him to single-handedly take down even the strongest opponents.

All four of these characters have strengths that make them valuable members of any team composition, and their abilities can easily turn a match in favor of their team.

What is the best tier list in Overwatch?

There is no single answer to this question as the best tier list in Overwatch will vary depending on your individual playstyle. However, some general guidelines that can help you determine your best tier list are:

-Tier 2 is where most players will find themselves and is a level of play that is still very competitive, but not as demanding as tier 1.

How do we determine a hero’s tier?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the player’s individual playstyle. However, some general guidelines that can be used to determine a hero’s tier are as follows:

Hero tiers are based on a heroes’ overall power and effectiveness in the game. Heroes who are considered “top tier” usually have high damage output, high survivability, and strong team support abilities. Heroes who are considered “mid tier” usually have moderate damage output, good survivability, but weaker team support abilities. Heroes who are considered “lower tier” usually have lower damage outputs, low survivability, and limited team support abilities.

The Different Types of Tiers in Overwatch

There are many different tiers in Overwatch, and it can be difficult to know what is the best tier for you. This guide will outline the different tiers and how they work in the game.

Tier 1: The Best Tier
This is the most powerful tier in the game and includes heroes like Winston, Reinhardt, and Zarya. These heroes are incredibly powerful and can easily take down enemies. However, they are also very expensive to buy, so you should only use them if you are confident in your ability to win.

Tier 2: The Powerful Tier
This tier includes heroes that are moderately powerful but still have a lot of potential. These characters include Reaper, Lucio, and Torbjorn. They can often hold their own against enemies but may not be as strong as some of the characters in Tier 1.

Tier 3: The Versatile Tier
This tier includes characters that are relatively weak but have a lot of potential for upgrades. These characters include Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy, and Widowmaker.

Tier 4: The Support Tier
These characters include Symmetra, Zenyatta, Moira, Lúcio, and Brigitte. They usually have low damage outputs but can provide crucial buffs or heals to teammates.

Determining Which Characters to Play

There are a lot of opinions on what the best character tier list is in Overwatch. Some people might say that Mercy is the best character, while others might say that McCree is the best character. It can be hard to decide which characters to play, and it can be even harder to figure out who to play as.

One way to figure out which characters are the best is by looking at their stats. For example, Mercy has a lot of healing abilities, and her damage output is low. This means that she’s good for supporting teammates, and she doesn’t tend to die very often. His mobility isn’t as good as Mercy’s, so he might not be the best choice if you want to stay alive for very long.

Ultimately, it depends on your playing style and what kind of support you need from your characters. You should experiment with different heroes until you find ones that work well for you, and then stick with them!


In this article, we are going to be discussing the best tier list in Overwatch. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what a tier list is, what factors go into making one, and why they are so important in competitive play. Thank you for reading!



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